Sunday, June 25, 2017

Steemit Transition

Steemit Transition
My transition to the Steemit social media platform, if indeed "social media" is the proper term, has been relatively slow and unsteady. It has become more solid in just the last month as I resumed writing, recording and exercising. Also feeling a bit more comfortable about putting my "self" and my ideas out there for the possible consumption of humans I do not know.
Interesting enough, it was by putting myself out there in chat rooms, dating sites and blogging communities that I expanded my friends circle, quite literally around the world.
I am literally where I am today because of a friendship that began with an America Online personals ad in 1995. It's a great story I may write about one day.
Needless to say, I'm Old School... (don't worry, I don't hate Millennials). Some of you reading this may not have even been born in 1995.
When you've lived for say, 25 - 30 years, you start to notice patterns in society. Sometimes those patterns are pointed out to us by teachers... or since teachers became part of the "farm," by comedians. The warning that history repeats itself is valid inasmuch as humans are largely creatures of limited intelligence and creativity.
That being said, I can almost predict the future of Steemit. Not so much in a way of success or failure, but the direction it will go and how it will be driven there.
As the popularity of Steemit increases the collective creativity, intellect and congeniality of the community will decline the way it did from chat rooms to face book. It's the nature of popularity. Unless Steemit can manage to manage its brand and keep it from appealing to the most fundamental emotions of humankind, it will go the way of television... that vast intellectual wasteland.
I don't know enough about the inner workings or the long-term plan of Steemit to predict (or define) its level of success, or even its definition. I'm just using it as a place to share and store a small my "creative" content.
More than a few alt-media hosts have directed their content to Steemit as well, which I think is a vote of confidence, if not a way to put more of the dollars they disparage into their coffers.
Just over a month until I mark my first anniversary on Steemit. Most if my posts have not been Steemit exclusives, however I think that a lot now originate at Steemit and are then shared with social media elsewhere, except for videos, of course.
I'm keeping an eye on Steemit. Every so often a trend might emerge or some change that might seem to confirm my dire prediction about the platform's direction. Remember, it's not so much the idea... but how humans will use and eventually alter that idea.

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